7220 E Wilshire Dr, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257, U.S.A. 480 941-9849

2024 Active Duty and Veteran Foodbank Drive Florence AZ.


The exceptional efforts of VFW Post 3513 and its community have surpassed our initial expectations for our 2024 summer food drive. We have gathered approximately 3200lbs or around $4500 worth of food to donate to the Active Duty and Veteran FOOD Bank in Florence, Arizona. Your support for our community programs truly makes a significant impact. Thank you!

The term "Working Poor" refers to individuals who are employed but earn incomes below the poverty line due to low-paying jobs and overall low household income. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, at least 4.5% of Americans are considered working poor, including entry-level armed forces personnel with ranks E1-E4.
After several years of high inflation, wages have not kept up with the rising costs, causing more and more people to fall into the category of the working poor. It's concerning that our Junior Service Members are being affected by this trend. I believe this is an unmet need that requires community input to alleviate the burden.
Although food drives are nothing new, they are effective in easing the burden for families. Our food drive takes this into consideration and will pass your donations and ours directly to a Veteran and Active-Duty Military food bank. This demonstrates that we are a grateful community and that we support each other.
Our goal is to restock the Food Bank in Florence Arizona through this food drive. A new Military Food Bank will be set up to serve the South Phoenix Military Service Members in the spring of 2025.
Monetary Donations or Shelf Stable Items can be made to VFW Post 3513 and earmarked for this specific food drive. Monetary Donations funds will be used smartly to purchase food for the drive. Please no expired products or non-shelf stable food products. The donation delivery will take place October 11th.
Thomas Kendra
Sr. Vice Commander
All American VFW Post 3513