7220 E Wilshire Dr, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257, U.S.A. 480 941-9849
VFW Facts
The VFW logo, redesigned in November 2018
Established September 29, 1899; 120 years ago
Founder James C. Putnam
Founded at Columbus, Ohio, U.S. Merger of American Veterans of Foreign Service (organized on September 29, 1899, at Columbus, Ohio, U.S.) and the Army of the Philippines (organized on December 12, 1899, at Denver, Colorado, U.S., as the Colorado Society, Army of the Philippines)
Type501(c)(19), war veterans' organization
Tax ID no. 44-0474290
Purpose Fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable, and educational
Headquarters 406 West 34th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.Coordinates39.0668144°N 94.591009°W
Worldwide Membership (2016) 1,234,985
B. J. Lawrence (NM)
Since July 25, 2018
Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief
William J. Schmitz (NY)
Since July 25, 2018
Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief
Hal J. Roesch II (VA)
Since July 25, 2018
National Council of Administration
63 voting members
8 elected officers
3 appointed officers
52 elected members
Main organ
VFW National Convention Subsidiaries
VFW Auxiliary
VFW Foundation
VFW National Home
Affiliations Student Veterans of America
Revenue (2015) US$98,724,340
Expenses (2015) US$89,099,521
Employees (2014) 224
Volunteers (2014) 3,000
VFW Service to Veterans
From lobbying Congress and monitoring the Department of Veterans Affairs to assisting veterans
filing claims, VFW remains a dedicated advocate for America’s veterans.
Located in Washington, D.C., VFW’s NVS office
assists veterans and their dependents in acquiring
their entitled VA services. Annually, NVS budgets
hundreds of thousands of dollars for VFW
Departments (states) to assist veterans in filing
• Department Service Officers (DSOs)
A VFW DSO is located in every VA Regional
Office. Each acts as a liaison between VA and
individual veterans to help them get government
• Tactical Assessment Center (TAC)
VFW’s TAC operates a 24-hour, toll-free hotline
for veterans with questions or concerns about VA
health care. Since its 1997 inception, TAC has
fielded more than 100,000 inquiries.
• Health Screenings
VFW hosts health screenings at its national
convention and other conferences. Eye exams,
hearing tests, cholesterol checks, hepatitis C tests,
prostate checks and breast exams are just some of
the screenings offered. Many lives have been
saved thanks to these screenings.
• Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD)
Introduced in 2001, VFW’s BDD provides claims
assistance to separating armed forces personnel at
designated military installations throughout the
country. Education and relocation services also are
National Legislative Service
This office represents VFW on various issues
before Congress, including testifying at committee
hearings and interacting with congressional
• Action Corps
This grassroots lobbying effort has 20,000
volunteers who write, call and visit lawmakers to
discuss issues related to veterans. Also, Action
Corps publishes Washington Weekly, an online
newsletter relating to current legislation.
National Security and Foreign Affairs
The welfare of active-duty personnel is of prime
concern to VFW, which is why troop deployments
are monitored.
VFW national officers visit Pacific, Asian and
European countries to meet with host-country
officials to stress the importance of conducting
MIA investigation and recovery operations, as
well as gaining access to documents and archival
research facilities.
Employment Services
VFW is a strong supporter of veterans’ preference
in government positions. The Washington Office
monitors veteran-specific employment legislation.
• VetJobs.com
VFW is the major sponsor of this online service,
which allows veterans and their spouses to post
resumes and search available jobs.
VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 756-3390, fax: 816-968-1199
Web site: www.vfw.org
VFW Legislative Victories
VFW played an instrumental role in virtually every significant piece of veterans legislation passed
in the 20th century, as well as bills developed in the 21st century.
Note: In each case, this is the year an act was passed or an institution established.
Media Contacts:
Jerry Newberry, VFW communications director, 816-968-1168, jnewberry@vfw.org
Joe Davis, Washington Office public affairs director, 202-608-8357, jdavis@vfw.org
1917 War Risk Insurance Act Amendments
1918 Vocational Rehabilitation Act (P.L. 178)
1919 Census Act Rider on Veterans Preference Discharge
1920 Widows & Orphans Pension Act (Spanish-American War)
1921 Veterans Bureau Act
1923 Veterans Preference Point System
1924 House Veterans Affairs Committee
World War Veterans Act
World War Adjusted Compensation Act
1925 Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs
1926 Spanish-American War benefits
New Johnson Act (WWI benefits)
1930 Veterans Administration (VA)
World War Service Disability Pension Act (P.L. 522)
1931 Bacharach Amendment (P.L. 743) allows borrowing on
WWI bonus certificates
1933 Wagner-Peyser Act: Veterans Employment Service
1934 Pension for widows of WWI vets
1936 Bonus bonds ($2.4 billion) to WWI vets redeemable
1938 Armistice Day (Nov. 11) legal holiday
1940 Philippine Travel Pay Bill
National Service Life Insurance
Selective Service & Training Act
1943 Benefits to WWII veterans (P.L. 10)
Disabled Veterans Rehabilitation Act
1944 GI Bill of Rights (P.L. 346)
Veterans Preference Act
Mustering-Out Pay Act
Extra pay for combat infantrymen
1946 Veteran Emergency Housing Act
1947 Bureau of Veterans Re-employment Rights (BVRR)
1948 Cash subsistence for GI Bill increased
1950 Vocational Rehabilitation Act
1951 Servicemen’s Indemnity & Insurance
1952 Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act (Korean War GI Bill)
1954 Veterans Compensation Act
Nov. 11 as Veterans Day (P.L. 380)
1962 Veterans Benefits Act (Cold War GI Bill)
1966 Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act (P.L. 89-358)
(Vietnam War GI Bill)
1970 Senate Veterans Affairs Committee
1972 Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act (raised
GI Bill stipend to $220 per month)
1973 Federal court agrees veterans preference applies to state jobs
1974 Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act
(vocational rehabilitation)
1976 Veterans Education & Employment Assistance Act
1977 Post-Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Assistance Act
1978 Veterans preference preserved
VA home loan increase
Veterans & Survivors Pension Improvement Act
Veterans Day returned to Nov. 11
1979 First joint meeting of House/Senate Veterans Affairs committees
Vietnam Veterans Outreach Program (P.L. 96-22) (creates
Vet Centers for PTSD counseling)
Vietnam Era Veterans Week
1980 VFW calls for Agent Orange study
VA home loan increase
Veterans Rehabilitation & Education Amendments
1981 Former POW Benefits Act
Veterans Health Care, Training & Small Business Loan Act
1982 Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial dedicated
1983 Emergency Veterans Job-Training Act
1984 Montgomery GI Bill
Veterans Dioxin & Radiation Exposure Compensation
Standards Act (P.L. 98-542): Agent Orange & Atomic Exposure
1987 New GI Bill Continuation Act
1988 Radiation-Exposed Veterans Compensation Act
Department of Veterans Affairs Act
Veterans Judicial Review Act
Veterans Benefits & Improvement Act
1989 VA becomes a Cabinet department
Court of Veterans Appeals
1990 Agent Orange service-connection
1991 Agent Orange Act (P.L. 102-4)
Persian Gulf War Veterans Assistance Act (P.L. 102-25)
Veterans Benefits Improvement Act (P.L. 102-86)
1992 Veterans Health-Care Act
1996 Veterans Health-Care Eligibility Reform Act
1999 Veterans Millennium Health-Care and Benefits Act
2003 Concurrent receipt for military retirees rated 50% disabled or more
(P.L. 108-136)
2004 Full concurrent receipt for military retirees rated 100% disabled (P.L.
2005 Traumatic Injury Insurance supplemental created (S. 806)
2006 Protestors banned from military funerals (H.R. 5037)
VFW Passes Resolution to Support War in Iraq
2007 VFW calls for VA/military healthcare system review after Walter
Reed outpatient debacle
2008 Record VA discretionary budget approved
GI Bill for the 21st Century signed into law
2009 Advanced Appropriations for VA becomes law
2010 Family Caregiver Legislation signed into law
Ensured all VA and DOD health care programs were recognized as
meeting minimum coverage standards under national health care law
2011 VOW to Hire Heroes Act
VFW stopped TRICARE premiums from increasing
Notable members
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
Harry Truman, 33rd President of the United States
Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States
John Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
Lyndon Johnson, 36th President of the United States
Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States
Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States
George Bush, 41st President of the United States
Albert Gore, Jr., 45th Vice President of the United States
Robert Kennedy, United States Senator from New York
Chuck Hagel, 24th United States Secretary of Defense​
General John Pershing, 10th Chief of Staff of the United States Army​
General Martin Dempsey, 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff​
Major General Smedley Butler, Two-time Medal of Honor recipient​
Sergeant Alvin York, Medal of Honor recipient World War I​
First Lieutenant Audie Murphy, Medal of Honor recipient World War II
Carl Sandburg, Three-time Pulitzer Prize winner
​Roger Staubach, Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee
Eligibility Guide
Campaign Medal / Start Date / End Date
Navy Expeditionary February 12, 1874Open
Marine Corps Expeditionary February 12, 1874Open
Spanish Campaign April 20, 1898December 10, 1898
Army of Cuban Occupation July 18, 1898May 20, 1902
Army of Puerto Rican Occupation August 14, 1898December 10, 1898
Philippine Campaign February 4, 1899December 31, 1913
China Relief Expedition April 5, 1900May 27, 1901
Cuban Pacification September 12, 1906April 1, 1909
Mexican Service April 12, 1911June 16, 1919
First Nicaraguan Campaign July 29, 1912November 14, 1912
Haitian Campaign April 9, 1915June 15, 1920
Dominican Campaign May 4, 1916December 5, 1916
World War I Victory (with battle or service clasp – including Siberia and European Russia)April 6, 1917April 1, 1920
Army of Occupation of Germany November 12, 1918July 11, 1923
Second Nicaraguan Campaign August 27, 1926January 2, 1933
Yangtze Service September 3, 1926December 31, 1932
China Service July 7, 1937April 1, 1957
American Defense Service (with foreign service clasp)September 8, 1939December 7, 1941
Combat Infantryman Badge December 6, 1941Open
Combat Medical Badge December 6, 1941Open
Navy Combat ActionDecember 6, 1941Open
European–African–Middle Eastern CampaignDecember 7, 1941November 8, 1945
American Campaign (30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days of duty outside continental limits of the U.S.)December 7, 1941March 2, 1946
Asiatic–Pacific Campaign December 7, 1941March 2, 1946
Navy Occupation Service May 8, 1945October 25, 1955
Army of Occupation (30 consecutive days of duty)May 9, 1945October 2, 1990
Korean Service June 27, 1950July 27, 1954
Korea Defense Service July 28, 1954Open
Vietnam Service July 1, 1958April 30, 1975
Armed Forces Expeditionary July 1, 1958Open
SSBN Deterrent Patrol Insignia January 21, 1961Open
Coast Guard Combat Action May 1, 1975Open
Southwest Asia Service August 2, 1990November 30, 1995
Air Force Expeditionary Service (with gold border)October 1, 1999Open
Kosovo Campaign March 24, 1999December 31, 2013
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary September 11, 2001Open
Afghanistan Campaign September 11, 2001Open
Air Force Combat Action September 11, 2001Open
Combat Action Badge September 18, 2001Open
Iraq Campaign March 19, 2003December 31, 2011
Inherent Resolve Campaign June 15, 2014Open