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7220 E Wilshire Dr, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257, U.S.A. 480 941-9849
Veteran Service Officer Kevin Erickson

Words of Encouragment
Unfortunately, veterans are often denied VA disability benefits for conditions caused by or incurred during their service to our country. You have earned these benefits, and deserve a fair shot at the compensation you are owed.
The most common mistake is your decision to not even bother to file. I Get it, its tricky, filling out forms incorrectly can have your claim tied up for years. You may not even be sure what you are entitled to file for or provide to much or not enough information to make your case. If you are unsure then talk with me and we can figure it out together.
A properly developed claim is your best chance to secure a timely, positive and fair disability rating. I will be your guide and help prevent those pitfalls. Time to stand up and start your claim for your deserved benefits. We will get it done together.
Kevin Erickson
Veteran Service Officer
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